Sunday, February 16, 2020


When we arrived to the mobile clinic in Punta Chame it was already abuzz with veterinarians, techs, volunteers and a long line of locals waiting to get their pets spayed and neutered.  We only had a vague idea of what type of help we would be offering.  Our training was quick and the work started right away.  We were dog and cat taxis between stations.  After checking in, the critters stopped at the anesthesia table and then onto a mat where they fall asleep.  Then we placed them on the shaving tables where they received analgesics and antibiotics.  Then when they called "taxi" we rushed over to take them to a surgeon.  After surgery, we carted them to the aftercare table where they were thoroughly cleaned and treated for fleas and tics.  Then we taxied them to the final mat where their owners were summoned to pick them up. Whew!
Jimmi Stevens

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